In addition, CAL FIRE is now responsible for determining parcels subject to the SRA Fire Prevention Fee under AB X1 29. SRA designations undergo a thorough 5 year review cycle, as well as annual updates for incorporations, error fixes, and ownership changes that do not require Board approval. To more efficiently provide protection over a more contiguous land base, CAL FIRE swaps protection areas with other providers, with the resulting lands being called CAL FIRE Direct Protection Area (DPA). For example, CAL FIRE does not have responsibility for densely populated areas, agricultural lands, or lands administered by the federal government. ĬAL FIRE has a legal responsibility to provide fire protection on all State Responsibility Area (SRA) lands, which are defined based on land ownership, population density and land use. These will be be included in sra13_1, to be released Fall of 2013, which will represent SRA conditions as of. Note that we are aware of numerous annexations affecting SRA status that have occurred since. SRA data will be updated to reflect the final status used to determine the 2nd round of fees in version SRA12_2. This is then verified against assessor roll files, and corrections and adjustments to SRA parcels are made where needed. This dataset (sra12_1) represents SRA status as of 7/1/12 and was used to create the inital determination of which parcels were potentially eligible for the fee for the 2nd billing cycle of fees.

The SRA dataset provides areas of legal responsibility for fire protection, including State Responsibility Areas (SRA), Federal Responsibility Areas (FRA), and Local Responsibility Areas (LRA). Online_Linkage: file://\\fphqsan\FRAPLibrary\GDB_LIB\sra12_1.gdb Description: Abstract: The user will cite the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection as the original source of the data, but will clearly denote cases where the original data have been altered, updated, or in any way changed from the original condition. Identification_Information: Citation: Citation_Information: Originator: CAL FIRE Publication_Date: 12/11/12 Title: State Responsibility Areas for Fire Protection (SRA) (SRA12_1) Edition: V12_1 Geospatial_Data_Presentation_Form: vector digital data Other_Citation_Details: State Responsibility Areas for Fire Protection (SRA) (SRA12_1) State Responsibility Areas for Fire Protection (SRA) (SRA12_1)